Hey guys, here's a preview of some of the incredible art we will be showing at the JapanLA 5 Year Anniversary "Kittens & Ice Cream" Art Show. There is still plenty more to see! Be sure to stop by opening night June 4th, starting at 7pm!
Camilla d'Errico, "Cherry Jubilee"

Gary Baseman, "Ice Cream and Kittens"

Dan May, "Ripple"

Chikuwaemil, "Kittens & Ice Cream"

Eimi, "Cat and Cream"

Kayo Tamaishi, "What Heals Your Heart"

and just as a reminder, part of the proceeds from the art sales will go to "Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue & Support." These are the folks who have been going into dangerous areas of Japan, due to the high radiation caused by the tsunami and ...earthquakes, sometimes sneaking in, to rescue pets that were left behind. They are providing them with food, shelter, and love until their owners can come back for them.