Hi, So, here is the deal for Black Friday!
Everything is going to be 20% Off! This includes sale items too...and we just marked down a bunch more stuff in the store!
For all of our friends who can't make it to our sale, we are going to give you a code on Friday morning at 5AM PST. Enter it when you checkout, and it will give you 20% off your order. We will post it on the blog, and send an email blast out!
This is our first storewide sale. Please understand that JapanLA gets a lot of our items from Japan distributors, and we order 5-6 months in advance from them. This means, once we are sold out, we cannot order more...unless there is the small chance that our distributor is holding on to more stock in their warehouse. But for the most part, they order enough to fill our order and that's it! That being said, if you want something for Christmas, this is the best day to shop with us! Don't wait and miss out on something you really wanted.

We are giving away 50 tokidoki shopper bags on Friday (WE ARE OPENING AT 10AM ON FRIDAY!!!), if you spend $50 or more! Be the first 25 people at JapanLA on Friday morning and we will give you a ticket to get your free bag once you finish shopping...OR be one of the first 25 people to spend $50 and use the secret 20% off code on Friday, starting at 5am PST. We will post the code at 5am Friday morning on our blog! Please note, there will be no mention of the bag on the online store. If you are among the first 25 people who ordered online that day and spent $50, we will email you that day...please know it is going to be a very busy day for us, so we can't stop and check if you call and all that...but we will notify you by email at some point in the day. (more pics of the bags on yesterday's blog.)

Also! We are going to hold a raffle that day for a tokidoki soccer ball SIGNED BY SIMONE LEGNO! (the soccer ball is worth $150). If you purchase anything that day, you will be entered in the raffle, whether you order online or come into the store. If you order online, we will enter everyone's name in who ordered...we promise!
We know a lot of you are waking up super early to hit the crazy 5am sales around town, so by the time you get to JapanLA (OPENING EARLY FOR YOU AT 10AM!!!!), you are going to be tired and hungry! So, we will have FREE DONUTS AND NO FEAR ENERGY DRINKS for you!

YAY! Sugar and Caffeine

Watch out for the Code on Friday morning at 5am! Don't forget to set your alarms that morning!
Happy Thanksgiving!