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Check out these collections.

Gotta Catch 'em All! New Pokemon Japan Plush!

Hi JapanLA Friends! 

Right before we closed our brick & mortar locations (due to the L.A. shut down of businesses), we received this huge shipment of Pokemon from Japan. These are the All Star Collection by Sanei. They are a high quality plush and have really nice embroidery. These are 100% Official Pokemon Plush and the same ones you would find in Japan stores. Mary picked these up (at a safe distance), and photographed them from home!! Thanks Mary! 

Relax at home on your bed or sofa with these Snorlax and Slowpoke Plush! The Slowpoke plush is filled with soft mochi-like material making it extra nice to cuddle with! Snorlax $52, Slowpoke $80.

These All Star Medium Plush are the perfect size for hugging! Charmander $52, Squirtle $52, Pikachu $55, Bulbasuar $52.

This Big More Mew Plush is the ultimate Pokemon plush! So big and huggable, it measures 17" tall and comes with a collectible Mew keychain (not shown), $140.

Here's some cute plush for the Grass Type Pokemon Trainers!    Chikorita $27, Venusaur $42, Lilligant $32.

We have lots of super cute Pink Pokemon Plush!    Igglybuff, Jigglypuff, Happiny, Cleffa, Chansey, and Audino, $27 each.

Water and Ice Type Pokemon! Lapras $30, Alolan Vulpix $30,  Vanillite $27, Marill $27, Mudkip $27, Piplup $27, Azumarill $27.

Psychic and Dragon Type Pokemon!  Dragonite $30, Flaaffy $30, Psyduck $27, Whismur $27, Smoochum $27, Slowpoke $27, Ditto $27.

MimikyuPichu, and Pikachu are some our favorites, $27 each.

There's so many Pokemon!   MunchlaxTogepi, Darumaka, Eevee, Spinda, Cubone, Charmander, and Magikarp, $27 each.

Both our Melrose and Little Tokyo locations are closed until further notice for  COVID-19. But...OUR ONLINE SHOP IS OPEN! We are shipping daily (except Sat/Sun). We are also offering Postmates M-F 12pm-6pm. Just order online, and at checkout, the Postmates option will show up if you are within the delivery area and you are ordering within that time range.

Check out our Instagram @japanla to see the new items we're putting online. Watch out for when we do Live Videos so we can answer your questions. Or email us if you need anything.

Follow us on Tiktok @japanlafun to see lots of cute and fun videos at the store! 

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