Mr Toast Party At JapanLA March 13th!!!
We are having a Mr Toast Party on Saturday, March 13th, at JapanLA, 7pm-10pm. Meet Dan Goodsell, creator of Mr Toast, and bring your sketchbook for him to sign.
The Grilled Cheese Truck And New Hello Kitty Purses!
The Grilled Cheese Truck is coming to JapanLA this Saturday, Feb 27th, for lunch! They will be parked out front 12pm-3pm serving up their yummy sandwiches.
Meet The Tummie Friends! Fafi Wall Decals!
We have Tummie Friends Plush at JapanLA right now! These are cute food plush. Their story is they make candy, and each character has a specific job. These are...
Getting Ready For Valentine's Day! Great Gifts!
We are getting ready for Valentine's Day! We have lots of great gifts, and new stuff too! Like these new Pecanpals Plush, by Noferin, $19.99 each.
Nom Nom Truck At JapanLA Winter Clearance Sale This Sat!
We are having a WINTER CLEARANCE SALE this weekend, beginning Saturday, January 30th! We will have select items 20% - 70% off. We are cleaning out our back room too,...
New And Restocked Arrivals
It's been raining like crazy in Los Angeles all week, but tomorrow's weather forecast promises sunny skies! Maybe tomorrow a few of you locals will head out for some fresh...
Last Post Of 2009. Hello Kitty Goodies Are Here!
Today what will be our last shipment of goodies in 2009 landed at JapanLA! Here is some great Hello Kitty stuff we JUST got in. All Hello Kitty! We can't...
Rilakkuma Christmas Party Photos & Contest Winners!
The Rilakkuma Christmas Pancake Party was so much fun! The photos from the party are posted at RONYS PHOTOBOOTH And at KITTUN'S PHOTOS Thanks to everyone who helped out at...
San-X Rilakkuma Christmas Pancake Party This Sat!
San-X is coming to JapanLA for a special Rilakkuma Christmas Pancake Party! Celebrate Rilakkuma's first trip to the U.S., this Saturday, 7pm-11pm. We will have a free photobooth set up...
Misha x Hello Kitty Limited Prints Now Online!
The Misha party was awesome last night! Thanks to everyone who came by! We now have the special limited edition prints on our online store. CLICK HERE FOR MISHA X...
Misha x Hello Kitty Box Set Release Party & Signing This Sat!
The Misha x Hello Kitty Box Set of Limited Edition Prints (of original paintings from the Hello Kitty Art Show) are arriving this Saturday at JapanLA! We are having a...
Cyber Monday! 50% Off tokidoki Bags And Wallets!
It's Cyber Monday! We just marked down all tokidoki bags 50% off! This includes the wallets, makeup bags, and camera/phone cases too! CLICK HERE FOR HALF OFF TOKIDOKI BAGS We...